Bruce Wilcox is the environmental manager in charge of the district’s water transfer mitigation programs and related Salton Sea restoration efforts. Wilcox joined Imperial Irrigation District in 2004 with more than 30 years of environmental project management experience.

As part of his duties at IID, Wilcox oversees the district’s Habitat Conservation Plan mitigation team, responsible for a large-scale burrowing owl conservation program and valley-wide population and habitat evaluation surveys for species listed in the current water transfer Habitat Conservation program. Wilcox has also partnered with the state Department of Fish and Wildlife to implement a conservation program for identifying and managing the desert pupfish populations at the Salton Sea.

Currently, he is working with the Salton Sea Authority to design and implement an incremental habitat restoration program that will be synergistic with the long-term plan for the sea.

An active member of the Salton Sea community, he currently serves as the vice president of the Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indian Wetland Board. He is also a committee member of the Burrowing Owl Stewardship & Education Fund, a member of Salton Sea Authority Technical Advisory Board and acts an advisor to the Salton Sea History Museum.

Wlicox holds a Bachelor of Science degree in reclamation/restoration ecology from the University of Wisconsin.












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