Dr. Barry Wallerstein
South Coast AQMD
Barry R. Wallerstein holds a doctorate in environmental science and engineering from the University of California at Los Angeles, and M.S. and B.S. degrees in biological science from the University of Southern California. He has over 30 years of experience in urban planning and environmental assessment, with an emphasis in air pollution control and public policy development. Dr. Wallerstein has served at SCAQMD in various positions since 1984, and was appointed Executive Officer in August 1997. Dr. Wallerstein has also worked as an Environmental Control Administrator for Northrop, and was a member of the rule development staff in the Mobile Source Division of the California Air Resources Board early in his career.
Dr. Wallerstein currently serves on the Board of Directors of the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association, on the Mobile Sources Technical Review Subcommittee of the federal Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, and as a Ex Officio Member of the Executive Committee of the National Academy of Sciences’ Transportation Research Board. He also serves on a variety of advisory boards at UC Davis, UCLA, UC Riverside and USC, which focus on research and public-private partnerships to help identify coordinated solutions for Southern California’s regional urban challenges. Dr. Wallerstein previously served as Co-President of the National Association of Clean Air Agencies. His professional accomplishments were recognized by UCLA with his admission to the School of Public Health Alumni Hall of Fame.