Tricia Gehrlein
Clinton Health Matters Initiative
Tricia Gehrlein is the Regional Director of the Clinton Health Matters Initiative, Coachella Valley. Working in partnership with regional leaders, local health priorities were identified and the Coachella Valley Blueprint for Action was developed. She now works with the community to facilitate the implementation of the Blueprint, identifying and leveraging resources to improve health outcomes and reduce disparities across the region.
Prior to her current position, Tricia was the manager of Grants Administration and Program Analysis at the Desert Healthcare District. As Grants Manager, she worked with over 40 health and wellness service organizations serving all age groups, ethnicities and socio-economic status. She was the key lead for the development and implementation of the Healthy Eating Active Living Network, addressing obesity rates within the Coachella Valley. She has worked closely with local community based organizations to improve their business model, delivery of service and to connect them with community resources for the benefit of their organization and clients.